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Passes & Tickets
Adding to the immense burden of paperwork present in almost every condition of the soldier were the many forms of passes, needed for almost every movement to and from and inside of enclosed spaces. There were no barcodes, no magnetic strip readers, no iris comparators, and though fingerprints were used on some passes, it would have been cumbersome to rely on them. Most were discarded when no longer needed, a paper trail stretching from Europe back to the Zone of the Interior that must have weighed tons by the time the last soldier returned. Many were kept though, and we are grateful for those that have been donated. If you have any to throw in contact the Webmaster.
Class "A" Passes
Student Pass
Briefing Room Pass
Mess Pass - U.S.
Combat Crew Mess Pass
Combat Crew "Curfew" Pass
Class "B" Pass
Railroad Pass - Officer's Wife - U.S.
Millions were issued; here Ray McCall's wife is allowed passage via the railroads to Hampton, Virginia where he was re-assigned on completion of his Operational Tour. She would travel via Union Pacific RR to Council Bluffs, Chicago & Northwest RR to Chicago, New York Central to Cincinnati and finally the Chesapeake & Ohio to Virginia.
Railroad Pass - Furlough - U.S.
My grandfather could have
been the Conductor on this one!Northampton American Red Cross Room Ticket
Troop Ship Dining Room and Mess Passes
Driving Permit for Harrington (Area T)
I.D. Card for Harrington Enlisted Personnel
Above two items from the R.G. Watkins Collection
MTO Items from Deane Heiny's Collection