406th/858th BSs
Rabbitt Crew

Standing, L-R:
Clinton H. Rabbitt             - Pilot        ASN 0802457
Ernest G.  Asbury              - Copilot      ASN 0691385
Floyd M.   Olson               - Navigator    ASN 0755232
Donald E.  Leinhauser          - Bombardier   ASN 0689533

Kneeling, L-R:
Nicholas   Rasnak              - Gunner       ASN 32387269
Steve C.   Sianis              - R.O.         ASN 33193260
Meyer      Tauger              - Gunner       ASN 12185100
Arthur     Bogusz              - Engineer     ASN 16108322

ASNs so-colored for EMs link to their NARA Enlistment Records.

Names and Picture Credits: Clinton Rabbit

Status: Augmentation crew, they flew their first mission in March '44 out of Alconbury, the last of their 35 total in early August of that year.

Claim to Fame: On a mision to a mountainous area in the south of France, the wingtips brushed the mountain in a tight turn and brought home pine branches in the wing! Though many others would claim similar close calls, Rabbitt's was the first, and the only known one, to bring back the proof, waking their C.O. in the early morning hours of 28 April 1944 to show him the branches.

From block 11 of the Mission Report #259:

Preferred Aircraft: B24D 42-63975 G "B'rer Rabbit"

The plane had noseart on both sides:

MR 1226    ZF-9s
MR 1408    USF-130s

MR 0526 DZ Cord 1   (4) No Drop
MR 0550 DZ Cord 1   (4) Sussex Teams Vis and Marbot (2ea)
MR 0842 DZ Saint 4A (1) Paul V. Martineau

Additional Crew Data Sources:
Rabbitt Crew Personnel Files
Rabbitt Crew Mission Reports

Group-Related Downloads:
AAFRH-21 "AAF Aid to European Resistance"
Allied Leaflets Index
"Carpetbaggers" by Parnell
"They Flew by Night" editor Robert Fish
Serial Number Index of B24s
Station 179 Operations Log 
(handwritten Apr44-Jul45)
Station 179 Operations Log (transcribed Sep44-Jul45)

Available on Request:
Group Mission Reports Jan-Sep44
 (On disk $12ea - $10ea via Paypal)
"Chronology of SOE Operations with the Resistance In France During WWII"
 by Foot & Boxhall
"Spies,Supplies & Moonlit Skies Vols 1&2" by Ensminger 
(On disk $12ea - $10ea via Paypal)

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