856th BS
Kassab Crew

Status: Gas-haul (short) crew brought into Station 179 to fly gasoline to the Allied armies chasing the Germans back to their homeland.

Names transcribed from SO151, dtd 17Sep44.

Albert M. Durrett    - Navigator    ASN 0708800
John      Kassab     - Pilot        ASN 0693684
Eugene E. Kearn      - Copilot      ASN 0700471

George C. Harris     - Engineer     ASN 39040167
Walter R. Justice    - R.O.         ASN 32549965

ASNs so-colored for EMs link to their NARA Enlistment Records.

Available Crew Sources:
Kassab Crew Personnel Files

Group-Related Downloads:
"Carpetbaggers" by Parnell
"They Flew by Night" editor Robert Fish
Serial Number Index of B24s
Station 179 Operations Log
(handwritten Apr44-Jul45)
Station 179 Operations Log (transcribed Sep44-Jul45)

Available on Request:
"Spies,Supplies & Moonlit Skies Vols 1&2" by Ensminger (On disk $12ea - $10ea via Paypal)

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